Iron Marines is an addictive strategy game with a frustrating lack of checkpoints. Part RTS, part tower defense, this sci-fi title has you command a crew of space marines as they take on alien threats on various planets.
While you have several types of troops to choose from, including rangers and snipers, your primary unit is your hero. Heroes have access to a variety of special attacks and can easily move across maps, so they're an essential tool in your arsenal. You can also upgrade your hero over time to make them even more powerful.
The game gives you access to two different hero units at the start of the game, with a third unit unlocking at stage 5. All other units must be purchased, which is annoying to see in a premium game. Thankfully, the game is temporarily free on Android. The extra cost for the paid heroes makes a lot more sense when you're not shelling out for the game.
Even without paying extra for heroes, Iron Marines offers deep strategic gameplay. Certain types of troops are better at taking out certain types of enemies, so deploying the right units is key. During battle, you earn cash that you can put towards temporary weapons and equipment. Some items, like the replicant mines, really give you an edge during fights.
There's no checkpoint system in Iron Marines, and it can be disappointing to have to start from the beginning after you get to the end of a map. It doesn't help that the game quickly spikes in difficulty after the first few maps. Despite these issues, I had a lot of fun with this little RTS game. If you can grab it for free, it's definitely worth your time.
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