Explore The Endless Sea in Uncharted Waters Origin...

Uncharted Waters Origin delivers so many fun and detailed features. The game has a tremendous amount of content and will keep you entertained for months! At the start the game does a great job with the tutorial explaining everything and all of the features so you can jump into gameplay quickly. The game will have you going on quests, setting up your ships, collecting different commanders for your ships, and doing battle on the seas. The game has 2 different servers to choose from, one with pvp battles on the sea, and one with pvp battle turned off. This is great and gives both hardcore and casual players a chance to enjoy this game however they see fit.
The graphics are interesting as it brings different styles and mashes them together. You have the beautiful 3D environments mixed with flat 2D characters. When you have dialogue from characters you have a nice 2D portrait of them talking with some subtle animations like wavy hair. Sailing and exploring the open sea is my favorite. The sunset is absolutely gorgeous to look at when sailing. The game has 20 different weather effects as well which bring so much depth to the environments and making them feel as realistic as possible.
Customizing your ships and your crew is tons of fun. There is so many tiny details for stats and information making this one game that will take lots of time to master. Monetization wise the game has many different ways for you to spend money. The shop is loaded with packs to buy with many packs costing 40 dollars or a little less. The game has a gacha system where you use keys to open up treasure chests that grant you either supplies or a chance at acquiring a new commander for your ships. The battle system is fun and brings a variety of strategy to it. Different attacks can be done while battling such as shooting cannons at the enemy's ships, ramming they ship, or even having your crew jump on their ship and get into a melee brawl.
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