FATAL FRAME: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse (First Impressions)

Released: 8 March, 2023
Price: $49.99 USD
Do you know how much innovation the Nintendo Wii brought to video game industry? If you were old enough to be around at the time you would know.
Nintendo was experimenting with horror at the time using the Wii controllers, and let me tell you, it was exceptionally creepy, if not occasionally a little silly.
The unexpected sound of a loud scream and vibrations through your controller felt far more disturbing than hearing them through a TV screen, due to quality.
Comparable games at the time were more popular, like Resident Evil and Silent Hill series to the Fatal Frame series. This made it appear to have slipped through most people's radar, as I personally did not play or hear of this specific series.
I believe I must state that, for the most part, these games do not hold up well in the modern era when it comes to being scary. It's frightening, but in a very amusing way, so it's more or less cheesy horror because it's good, not bad.
Very traditional horror
If you've ever played a game like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, or any similar title, you're likely familiar with the feeling impending dread while aimlessly wandering around with the threat of being attacked even with a weapon in hand.
Fatal Frame has a believable vibe, in my opinion. That doesn't feel over the top or overly corny. Currently, it's not too challenging, but it keeps you on your toes.
I can't claim that it is scary. Even if it doesn't evoke the same emotions that it would have if I were a kid, it still appears to have a little bit of excitement to it.
Tank Controls
Many people despise them, and I can see why as it is considerably difficult to wrap your head around the concept of how to effectively move your character.
The tank controls are present due of the camera angles, which ensures that your character continues to walk straight when the perspective changes. You'll get used to it, as it's what made horror games of this time, difficult and scary.
In contrast to traditional horror games, where you are either given a weapon or nothing but a light to protect yourself or run away when necessary, Fatal Frame is all about the narrative and photography, utilizing the Camera Obscura, often known as a (shadow-shooting mechanism) to protect you from spirits.
Pull out your camera to take photos of spirits to gain points, while charging up powerful shots when you're in combat with one to deal massage damage.
This also serves as a point system, the more perfect your scores, the higher the damage you will deal to each spirit before it enrages and becomes faster. Later on you can use these points to purchase clothing, accessories or upgrades.
You have the option to freeze the game if it interests you and capture screen images with your own flair or style. I don't see any practical use for this other than taking your own screenshots instead of utilizing stock files.
Some folks, especially those who love this franchise, might be interested, but I often don't use these features until I need a specific snapshot that matches a moment. Nice to have it as an option, I may use it for the review if I run low on source material.
Visuals & Audio
It fits well
So far, the game's audio and graphic elements are doing a good job. It frequently comes off as silly when it attempts to evoke fear or a sense of dread, while in a strange manner still coming off as eerie in a non-scary way.
Jump Scares
Compared to the Wii version and other games I've played like it. It's not as bad as you may anticipate. You need not worry about a jump scare because you will normally know exactly when it will occur, which is again funny but in a eerie way.
It's so far good
I don't typically play many horror games because I don't care for those that mostly use cheap scare tactics to make you jump out of your skin.
The fact that the classics are actually engaging to play through is why I have such a deep interest in them. They are more scary in an atmospheric sense than in a jump and scream kind of way. This results in interesting gameplay.
My initial thoughts on this game come to a close with the caveat that, while others may disagree, that is what makes gamers unique. You don't have to share their interests or agree with them and are welcome to critic me on mine.
If you want to catch me on one of my streams or locate me on social media, you may do so at the following locations, I'm always playing something new.
- Pawkt
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