Project Dark, a brand new immersive choose-your-own-adventure audio drama, launches onto mobile

Red meat Games, a new hyper-immersive audio-based story game creator, has released it for mobile. Project Dark is a rather unusual little independent game that combines audio dramas with something similar to classic choose-your-own-adventure novels to create an immersive and truly enjoyable journey.
Several mobile-focused games have attempted to do this to various degrees of success, but Project Dark really stands out in its, for lack of a better word, captivating vibes. It has a gothic vibe with an undercurrent of, well, overall darkness permeating every interaction you have.
Speaking of gothic, the game presently has six distinct episodes that each offer a different time period and activities for you to engage in. One of them is a complete medieval fantasy, and another is a blind date from the contemporary era. Each chapter stands alone from the others but offers you intriguing options that will influence how they all turn out and who you encounter.
The story is told using some really well-executed binaural audio elements and excellent writing that will pique your interest in finding out more about each character you encounter since you will be able to identify them largely based on their voice. There is a lot to explore here when you add all of that to the replayability of these choose-your-own-adventure style games.
Don't believe me, though! At either of the sites below, you can try out Project Dark without spending a single penny! It even has a Steam port if you want to try it out on a larger screen, letting you immerse yourself even more in Project Dark's strange, wild universe.
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