03/20 DevBlog11 - Biweekly Progress

Greetings, Para Community!
First of all, we hope you all had a great Monday/Tuesday so far! It's time to inform you all once again of our game development progress for the past two weeks. We are glad to see more and more players are joining in and offering valuable suggestions. As staff group spent a lot of time working at full speed to polish the product as you guys suggested, loads of amazing worlds and avatars will be added in the near future. Besides, the Android version is under development as planned. Here goes our current progress this week!
Bugs Fixed:
① Fixed the problem of not showing world creators' names and descriptions.
② Fixed not stroking avatars during 3D interactions.
③ Fixed issues with downloading from the official website.
④ Added rules for object dual-wielding interactions and related APIs
Bugs and Feedback in Progress:
① Android version optimization
② New Official world in progress
Note: If you find any bugs or issues in the game, please do not hesitate to report them in our bug report channel (bug-report)! Also, if you have any suggestions or ideas about our app, proceed to add-suggestions channel. We'll be implementing your suggestions into our product on a constant basis as we work to create one that changes along with the community. Have a great day!
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