Sin Stone Saga : Quick Game Review

Sin Stone Saga is a RPG mobile game with lots of fantastic characters with massive variety of skill sets! I just loved how you can assign lots of skills to a single character and pick skills from very wide variety skill pool. In this RPG game, you can have your same character come up with different move set in each stage to make your character versatile. Even though the game is basically a 2D graphical game, the gameplay experience is pretty good.
To start with, I really appreciated a detailed tutorial session with a maxed out character with good story plot. You usually advance from left to right and your character will do auto attacks on the enemies upon contact. But the series of skills that you can use manually are just too amazing!
I was amazed to see that we can use upto 5 skills in the battle for a character and we have other ability move set on the right hand side of the screen. I felt that this game wants to give its players an ultimate skill spamming fun while killing hordes of enemies coming waves after waves towards you.
Boss battles are quite epic in this game in my opinion. The boss artwork is just too cool and we have got so many skills to spam on the boss units that the entire battles becomes a massive fun fray of blood bath. The ultimate move keeps recharging as we hit enemy and when unleashed, a special animation triggers to deal massive damage to the unfortunate enemy.
Honestly, I really appreciated the skill artworks of this game. It is nicely presented and surely gives a wow factor but it is not as great as other RPG games like epic seven. But none the less, its enjoyable.
The most interesting part of this game is the skill cards! You can have massive number of different skill card in your possession and you have upto 5 skill cards equipped to your character! You can have upto 5 decks of skill cards choices that you can use strategically in various stages. Each skill is unique and can be very powerful if used correctly with good timing.
Overall, this game is super fun and amazing. I highly recommend you guys to try this game out. Even if its 2D art style game, the gameplay feature is pretty advanced and very enjoyable. Try this game out. Cheers!
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