ZOMBIES! ZOMBIES AND LEON STRONGEST KICKS! We are back! - Resident Evil 4 Remake

Today we are looking at a game CapCom brought a game back from the dead, a game most people loved and are happy to see once again today!
Resident Evil 4 Remake
Even with a couple of things that were a bit frustrating to deal with..anyway we are looking at one of the best of "The Resident Evil: series:
Six years have passed since the biological disaster in Raccoon City.
Agent Leon S. Kennedy, one of the survivors of the incident, has been sent to rescue the president's kidnapped daughter.
He tracks her to a secluded European village, where there is something wrong with the locals.
And the curtain rises on this story of daring rescue and grueling horror where life, death, terror, and catharsis intersect.
My Experience:
Comparing the remake to the original of Resident Evil 4, you see alot of changes that have been made, including the layout of the game, certain items have been changed, Bosses have been updated, and even certain specific characters like Ashley... nevermind Ashley still not that helpful.
In the original, she got caught alot, and you had very little time to get her before someone grabbed or attacked her somehow.
In this one, they made her abit more helpful in certain situations, which I am happy about, but WHY DID THEY MAKE ALMOST EVERY ENEMY INTO A BULLET SPONGE?
Even in the Normal Mode ( NOT EASY ), it is almost near impossible to get any bullets for your guns, so saving and rationing your ammo helps alot
Pros and Cons
Visually Updated
Alot of Changes
Very Challenging
Keep some of the past lines from Resident Evil 4 Original
The Parrying system feels abit easier
Controller Recommended
Ammo is abit scarce
Even on Standard Difficulty, every enemy seems to be a bullet sponge
I wish they would have kept the previous voice actors
Capcom did an excellent job on the remake of Resident Evil 4, even updating alot of things from the past while also making the game slowly increase in difficulty over time!
Resident Evil 4 Remake gets a rating of:
Highly Recommended
An excellent zombie game to once again have in your gaming library!
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thanks for the review, man.. 👍 I hope it is on mobile one day..
Roshan Awasthi
Roshan Awasthi
Please make it for free
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