An Elmwood Trail - Crime Story: A MYSTERIOUS and CHILLING Investigation Game

An Elmwood Trail - Crime Story is a really interesting mobile game that I got to play recently, and this was just such an experience. It really was. Gameplay wise this game plays like it is your phone. The format of the game is like using a phone and receiving text messages, online messages from various people and you must navigate these various apps while trying to solve this case.
Basically you receive messages from an unknown user, and they are demanding you solve this missing persons case. And they have dirt on you that they can use if you refuse. So you must accept, in order to keep your secrets, a secret. You are also able to view your detectives desk by swiping to the right, allowing you to place clues up on your clue board, as well as access your phone and the missing persons phone from there.
Though you can also swipe left to access the missing persons phone too. You must swap between your phone, the missing persons phone, and the detectives desk, to try and come up with the clues and how to solve this case. There is a tips guide icon in the top left corner that will give you guidance on what to do next, and also where you can ask for tips.
Asking for tips will force you to watch 1 ad, and you can only ask for tips 3 times. I'm not sure if that's 3 times in a real time day, or 3 times overall. In any case, I found some of the tips to be overly basic and weren't very helpful. The puzzles you have to figure out, so far aren't too complicated, just some basic knowledge and you should be able to get past them. At least in the early stages for sure. At some points the game does drop a couple short cinematics, and the sound effects in the game can be very eerie or immersive.
Like when the unknown person tells you that you will receive a gift, and you hear a knock at the door. The knock effect sounds like its right there in your room. Of course you do need to be wearing headphones for this to be really immersive, which the game also recommends you do. And I also recommend you do too. It just adds to the whole experience of the game.
Visually the game is pretty simple in its design, you have 2 different phones to go through, and what seems to be a 2D art style detective office that you can interact with too. There is no 3D objects in the game, as far as I can tell. Everything is very simple, but effective and serves its purpose. Overall I'd say that An Elmwood Trail - Crime Story is a fantastic criminal investigation style game and I highly recommend you give it a try. I had no complaints about this game, though I suggest paying to remove the ads at least, for that 100% immersion. Nothing worse than an ad ruining the immersion of such a game, just to get a clue.
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