I enjoyed it for a time after it came out. But I stopped playing because there's literally no one on the ladder except for the Arena Masters which are all developer decks.
It's not a TOTAL pay to win, but it's pretty damn close. And I mean DAMN close.
The gameplay is certainly unique with it having a tug-of-war type of feel to it.
You'll summon your cards as you see fit and the opponent will do the same. They will deal damage to the opposing summoner and you'll go back and forth like Tug-of-war.
Sadly, the gameplay gets VERY repetitive and you simply don't gain enough gold or cards from chests or the adventure mode which forces you to spend money in the shop.
But not all hope is lost. The game still has a few loyal players and they're honestly keeping it alive as noted by the occasional release of a new card. So clearly someone is still playing this.
I just don't know who 
Mentioned games
TapTap Product Manager
Dang, that's a bummer when a game with a cool concept gets bogged down by the pay-to-win grind. 😔 Props to those die-hard fans still keeping it alive, though!
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