Dark and Light Mobile-Basic material collection methods

Dear players, after reading the introduction to the initial campsite, you should feel the strength of the enemy! In addition to the initial campsite, there are 3 intermediate campsites and 2 advanced campsites. This guide can help you improve your strength, including most of the material collection methods in the game. Let's take a look!
Mini Resource World: This is the first resource building that players need to build. By consuming Ancient Coins, it can continuously produce basic resources required for various knowledge research. It will also continue to produce when you are offline.
Wood: The game requires a large amount of wood. In the early stages, you can manually chop it down, but with the increasing demand, it is recommended to tame a Long-Horned Rhino to collect it, which can help you obtain thousands of wood. If you still feel it is not enough, go to the vicinity of the Stone Cave to find special crystal wood, which can be decomposed into 3000 wood and takes 1 hour to decompose.
Stone: The most direct and simple way is to mine it, but you need to wait until the mid-game to obtain the Kodo Beast and Scorching Rhino for collection. Therefore, it is necessary to collect special ores and decompose them. In the Great Waterfall and Goblin Camp, you can find Pyroxene. After collecting them, decompose them, one can be decomposed into 500 stones, and it takes 10 minutes to decompose. Remember to build a cutting machine!
Metal Ore: You can collect it using the Flame Armor Rhino. The recommended way to obtain it in the early stages is to go to The Sun Spring, find the Adamantite Ores, collect Adamantite Ores, one can be decomposed into 3000 metal ores and 750 stones, and it takes 1 hour to decompose.
Magicka fragment: In addition to using the Primitive Wand to absorb creatures, you can also collect it by riding the Aisk Elk. If you still feel that it is not enough, you can defeat low-level elemental creatures and collect the elemental core for decomposition.
For each type of basic material, there are special materials for low, intermediate, and high levels. These rare materials can all be decomposed, but some of them are special materials for equipment upgrades, so remember to keep some!
Viscose: Made by grinding three different types of basic leather in a grinder. Make sure to stock up, the demand is huge!
Water drop: Fill the water bag or bottle in the river and decompose it, or get it from the water tank in the town of Wald and Harburg, there are many!
Powder: Go to the snowy mountain, there will be Snow Lotus at the top of the snowy mountain, and there are many snow apes nearby. Collecting and decomposing them can obtain various powders.
Ancient Coin: There are many uses for it. If you want to obtain it, it is recommended to go to the camp merchant to complete orders and get more coins from higher-level camp orders. You can only complete ten times a day.
Quartz and Saltpeter: The best way is to obtain them by decomposing stones, remember to stock up.
Bone of Evil: There is a chance to obtain it by absorbing it after killing a shadow servant. You can find it in the creature guidebook.
Raw Meat: If it is cooked meat, you can steal it from the Blood Hammer tribe's campfire, or you can decompose it after obtaining advanced meat materials.
Jam: There are many in the Centaur camp, Goblin camp, and Werewolf campfire.
Spice: Decomposing mushrooms can obtain a large number of spices, which is much more than decompose flowers!
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