Rizline (CBT) - Super FUN Rhythm Game with CATCHY Music

Rizline is a brand new anime style rhythm game coming to mobile devices very soon. And I had the pleasure of playing it during its closed beta testing. And I got to say, I like what I see so far...
Gameplay wise there wasn't much available during the closed beta. There was 3 songs I could choose from, and play them with their 3 varying difficulties. Once I played all 3 available songs, I was able to enter exploration mode, which I wasn't entirely sure was all about. I had to use a gold coin to unlock it or something?
Which I didn't have, and I couldn't buy one either since it's the closed beta, and trying to do so will leave you in an never ending loading screen and you are forced to close the game and reopen it to get it back to normal. On easy mode I think the game does some notes for you, or at least it felt that way for me.
But once you get to the harder difficulties, things get a lot more challenging. I'm pretty sure I didn't land all notes precisely during easy mode, but I'd still get full clears, seems a bit fishy if you ask me. But regardless of whether it was letting me win or not, I was enjoying myself. Even on the harder difficulty when I lost mid game, I was still enjoying myself and had a good laugh over my failure.
Unfortunately I can't say much more about the game because that was all that was available for me to try. But from what I have seen and experienced, I'm very excited to see what this game will be like when it fully releases. Visually the rhythm game sections are super simplified. With lines and circles moving to the beat of the song, and on occasion maybe some simple drawings might appear, there's not much there to distract you and that could be considered a good thing, but I do prefer my rhythm games to be a little bit more exciting than that in the visual area.
Like Love Live All Stars for example. Overall I'd say that from what I've seen of Rizline so far, I am very intrigued and excited to see what the full release will be like. I really enjoyed the 3 songs I could play. All of different styles but all were very catchy and I enjoyed it very much. I can't wait for this game to release. I will definitely be playing it when it does.
Mentioned games
this is like voez but vertical lmao but im gonna try it
can't buy coins tho
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