An exciting predictive turn-based 1v1 action | Full Review - BUMP! Superbrawl

BUMP! Superbrawl is a tactical strategy game that pits players’ team of heroes against each other in exciting predictive turn-based matches.
+Clever predictive turn-based combat mechanics
+Welcoming progression system
+Cute and adorable visuals and characters
-Some unresponsiveness in the controls
BUMP! Superbrawl’s concept is simple. Predict the enemies movements, one turn, one hero at a time and win the match. Either by scoring higher or knocking their heroes out, every match is very exciting and satisfying to win.
The graphics are cute and vibrant, and the characters range from adorable Anthropomorphic animals to chibi-looking warriors and magicians. It feels like a 3D animated movie and the overall aesthetic is quite pleasing to the eyes, even in the heat of the combat with all the effects going in, it’s even more satisfying to see (if you are winning nonetheless).
Gameplay Analysis
A team of three assorted heroes plus three in reserve is commanded by the player and pitted against another team in 1v1 competitive matches. The gameplay is relatively simple. Players are only allowed one character to move per turn, and the only action they can do is to move their character and attack in a certain direction right after (depending on the character). After only 1 to 2 rounds of gameplay, I already got the concept and was already ready for some serious battle.
After a turn is confirmed, both sides' moves will play out at the same time, leading to some interesting predictive combat movements and action — kind of like Battleship — either you hit enemy units, he hits yours, or both hit each other. Each hero will have HP that when depleted, will cause them to get knocked out and replaced by their reserve hero.
Unstoppable force meets an immovable object
Aside from the basic movement and attack maneuvers, both characters moving into each other will cause a "BUMP" where both moves and attacks are canceled at that position with damages to both. While going past a stationary character will cause a “dash” move where damage is also inflicted, making it possible to inflict damage two times in a single turn.
One turn cooldown
Then, the characters who just performed the moves will have to rest for 1 round, giving the floor off to the other two of the players’ characters. It leads to some strategic positional gameplay, where you leave your heroes to rest will matter as well. It can make them vulnerable, or you can use them as bait for other heroes to utilize
No need for fast reflexes and reactions, but you still need to think fast
This is a unique game that is a much-needed respite from all the countless reaction-based fighting games that favor those who have the better reflexes and muscle memory. BUMP! Superbrawl instead taps the player’s tactical and predictive prowess and only requires simple a move per turn limited by a highly lenient 30 second timer. Although I did encounter some consistent touch control issues especially when trying to rotate the attack direction. There is a bit of unresponsiveness felt and experience that led me into needlessly running out of time on some occasions.
The different heroes that you can acquire from playing — either from grinding, gacha, or real money — all have different attributes, abilities, and behavior. One may be able to fire long ranged shots but only to a single target; one may fly and avoid ground hazards and shoot in a straight AOE line; and another may serve a tank role at the expense of a short ranged attack.
The map roster rotates every few hours
There are many different game modes and levels to play in that are unlockable. Each with their own gimmicks that will mean a different objective or map elements to utilize. Pure KO matches, exploding and poison barrels littering the map, a capture the “zone” game mode, a coin gathering game mode, and much more. The levels are also rotating every certain amount of hours, so not all sessions are the same every day. Making the game highly varied on a day to day basis.
A welcoming live service element
BUMP! Superbrawl is a free-to-play game, as such, there is a live service element in place in the form of gacha and battle pass rewards that give players a faster progression rate and easier unlocks. Fortunately, there are no playtime limiting energy currencies in place, so players can play all day, the only caveat being there are limited bonuses stars you can obtain per day for the battle pass.
The progression overall — free-to-play wise — felt very accessible and easy to advance in. In my first few hours of play I already unlocked quite a few heroes of my own, as opposed to other games locking you to a specific set of heroes for a long time, unless you can spend real money. The levels are also locked at the start but are easily obtainable.
Heroes get better over time, giving some slight or major advantages.
The heroes are also all upgradable using various currencies, and each level can give out bonuses like new abilities arising from a set of prerequisite conditions. For example, an unlock ability for a hero might allow him to do an automated free revenge move against those who KO’d their allies, or allow him to charge towards an enemy immediately upon spawning.
BUMP! Superbrawl’s relatively simple gameplay mechanics, exciting predictive turn-based action-packed combat, and accessible progression system makes it one of the most clever 1v1 competitive strategy mobile games I’ve played this year. If you are great at strategy and predictive and love beating opponents by being one, two, steps ahead in thinking, this game is a must try.
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