This Imaginative puzzler shouldn't be kept in the dark

I've played my fair share of puzzlers but never a shadow-based puzzle platformer. Nevertheless, after downloading In My Shadow, I'm pretty impressed. In My Shadow offers a significant challenge paced quite nicely throughout a gaming experience that's around five hours. It was simple enough to play but challenging enough that I had to think about my next move. Add to the mix a touching narrative, and you have something well worth your time.
In My Shadow takes place in the childhood home of Bella. Each room represents a new memory from her past, and as I completed more puzzles, new memories were unlocked. It all fit together to create a touching narrative I won't spoil here. Puzzles involved connecting Bella's shadow to other shadows at the end of the room.
To do this, I needed to move furniture to cast shadows of different sizes to collect the memory snippets and platform to the edge of the room. This was more difficult than expected. Naturally, the puzzles became more complex as I progressed, testing my ability to trek across the room and avoid things like shadow spikes on the floor and ceiling. Still, the puzzles were never too challenging; it took me around twenty minutes to complete one at most.
Interacting with various objects to cast different shadows was enjoyable, and the fact that there are different ways to complete a puzzle depending on your creativity made me more invested in the game. Unfortunately, once you’ve beat a puzzle there isn’t much replay to be had, unless you want to spent time thinking of a new way to use the furniture to cross the room, but still I had a lot of fun playing.
If you like puzzles, simple gameplay, and a decent narrative, try In My Shadow.
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