So about Higan is actually a great game!
The gameplay is very crisp, beautiful. That it actually makes me play in normal speed because it looks better that way.
The characters design are very sexy and/or cute! Especially Nuno and Ume. There design are very very cute!
Music actually pretty good though I didn't pay too much attention to it.
The main story is sorta interesting, I wasn't bored and didn't want to Skip. But the event I was playing was story was "meh". I don't know, I assume I'm not crazy about screamer so it felt like it was a chore to spend the event with her.
The voice is pretty good too, I actually debated weather i switch to jp or stay English.
Now my only problem with the game, that obvious censorship. It wouldn't be so bad if the art matched the models, but they doesn't. The main girl eurapaha <= (yes, I know spelled it wrong.) Her design is so different from her model, I'm trying to figure out if that's she will look late game.
Also there is all the characters with cleavage showing in the art but the model says another story, especially Hathor who theme is a cow ish you'd think she gets away with it. Nope..
I'm against censorship but I'll admit it doesn't stop the game from being fun.(except if it breaks the game, removes that entire feature of the game or If fanservice is the only thing the game had going for it like a certain game named after a planet.)
Anyways gacha rate alright, thought multi gacha with different currency aside from paid and free is a crime against humanity and it must stop! Lol
Anyways if you don't mind censored/ models not match the art than you I'll love the game. ☺️
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Ρяιи¢єѕѕ ∂σℓℓу
Ρяιи¢єѕѕ ∂σℓℓу
The game is so-so, nothing interesting or unique about it which cloned the combat mechanics from old RPGs like Heir of Light minus the goofy dark theme while including the generic anime-ish visuals. As for why the reviews, I believe it has a lot to do with how greedy the devs are in offering SSR heroes / how bad the gacha drop rates. They gave a free random mediocre quality SSR to everyone in mailbox no one ever asked for and that's all there is to it. The events aren't very helpful for free user base, neither are the progressive steps in PvE. So what's good about the game? Just character designs and graphical visuals
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Araneus Kyüro
Araneus Kyüro
Thats the issue, most people think that "good graphics = good game," which is unfortunately not always the case. Games such as PGR and Genshin have found success because of other elements that people, including devs, fail to recognize, these being story, theme, ui, gacha rates, combat mechanics, controls, etc. I have my fair share of gripes with Genshin and PGR, but in no way are the issues in those games dealbreakers since they give me what they advertised. PGR gives a solid combat experience and Genshin does the same for Open World Exploration. If a game doesn't fit into a niche and only has good graphics but no purpose, it wont last. Sorry for the long text.
agreed. Idk y this game is getting some negative reviews. I'm enjoying everything so far. *Edit: Read reviews about a 180-degree change, once you hit lvl 70. And how stamina drags
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