Continental Chronicles of Novusaes: Reproduction of the New World (Part II)

The second group of survivors who were much more fortunate than the first group, pioneered a new route. They sailed southeast and finally reached the south of Novusaes. Unlike the north, the southern area was mostly plain, with a pleasant climate, abundant resources and fertile lands. The southern survivors soon adapted to the new environment, building their first town, Gyldan, on the bank of River Polaus, known as the "River of Gold", and thus began their conquest.
In the first few centuries, the southerners were able to develop their civilisation rapidly, thanks to the abundance of produce, and soon conquered all the lands in the south, establishing numerous forces and states. With the rapid development of civilisation came ambition and war, and a long period of mutual conquest and annexation culminated in the formation of the mighty and secure Guthandus Empire, which eventually united the southern part of the continent.
The wealth of the land supported the huge empire, and the prosperity of trade contributed to the development of science, craft and belief. The first town, Gyldan, became the capital of the empire, and was known as the 'Town Made of Gold' and a holy place for every southerner, where streets were bustling with crowd and horses, and magnificent buildings were lined up alongside the streets. For almost a thousand years, the luxurious town had been the political, religious and commercial centre of the south. Everything seemed so splendid that no one could expect a war that would overwhelm the empire and even the whole continent, was starting from this golden town...
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