Towaga: Quick Game Review

Towaga is a 2D colorful action mobile game where our main character can fire a powerful beam of light onto enemies to obliterate them. I really enjoyed the light works in this game which immediately reminded me of the kamehameha from dragon ball z. The powerful light beam can be further strengthened to bright blue beam which even covers more impact area but with a cost of some mana which can be replenished over time. Being able to fry and freeze the enemies coming from all direction of the screen with our mighty beam light is quite fascinating in this game!
Looking into the gameplay, the controls are quite simple. With your right hand side control, you can fire a thin beam of orange light around the screen with the rotating movement of your finger. And the character just use one hand to fire that beam in a quite satisfying animation.
But when  you press the left hand side control button on the left, while pressing the right one, you will unleash a massive blue beam light that requires 2 hands of our character. I was very happy and satisfied to see such an amazing power being unleashed by my character. It reminded me of the father-son kamehameha against the cell in dragon ball z. The blue beam light has the power to deal massive damage to enemies and can freeze them too! But using the blue light attack will consume your mana and you have to be careful of that. Use the blue light beam only when necessary with good strategy and timing.
There are lots of stages/level in this game to clear. The controls are simple but the gameplay can be quite hard and challenging over time. I really liked the stage artwork which kind of gave spiritual, alien and cosmic vibe. Unfortunately, this game has very limited contents. There seems to be no PVP content in this game. None the less, this game has been well appreciated by the editors.
Overall, this game is a great side game with cool light works. I highly recommend this game to you guys. Easy controls but pretty challenging gameplay. Nice light graphic animation and cool sound effects makes this game pretty fun and amazing to play. If only this game had a pvp content, this game would had been more fun at a whole different level. Try this game out!
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