Inquisitor, the enemy of defeat

Inquisitor is my fav role
1. He is OP, you can know who is duck or goose/neutral. I know its 45 seconds, but if you can use it and the player appears angel, that player its overall reliable, at the end of the game if you find like 3 players with angel, its more like you are gonna win, you have less options to who is duck.
2. With detective, you search for devil players, with inquisitor you search for angel players, because you can know who is not a duck, thats sounds op, and really is. Ah pelican is alive, thats not your job, thats stalker, canadian, birdwatcher, astral, sERiaL KilLEr job, you don't need to do everything.
3. It's fun to find out who is duck based on your ability, you can't use it while corrupted/night, it's just a waste, but I won some games with Inquisitor and was fantastic, I could carry everyone (when I wasn't dead ._.), so far, an excelent role.
Inquisitor is love, inquisitor is life
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