4 / 10

Mixed reviews. The advantage of this game is that the picture quality and rich modification and custom appearance are very good, and then the disadvantage is that I did not expect that EA is still using the outdated physical value to limit the number of times the player can play, and then requires the player Buying stamina or waiting for time to play again, and then drawing cards to open boxes is very tormenting players. The probability is small and fragments are used to synthesize them. Players’ time is not wasted like this. No one wants to be bound by tasks. The round time is too short, less than 30 seconds for a round, I think it is too outrageous, it is better to play the ported version of "Most Wanted", now EA is developing a new Need for Speed "Open World" mobile game, after " No Limits" will be removed sooner or later
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baqthyy zainall
baqthyy zainall
NEED for speed heat wanted
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