Overall the gameplay, character design, ost and mechanics are too tier.9/10. The only downside for me is how hard to acquire characters like why?? It's a 100% drop rate yet few x10 can't event guarantee the character, and 2 is how repetitive the game like it become a routine , there's no enjoyment/ excitement anymore. No matter how good yr combat or design, if the game doesn't feel rewarding then people will stop playing eventually.
Mentioned games
The game is not for everyone and this guy clearly did not know the meaning of the 100% guarantee vs drop rates and as for the becoming a repetitive thing, majority of games have these repetitive gameplay in order to farm your equipments and mats but oh well you did not enjoy it and thank you for voicing out your opinion.
Aszu Origa
Aszu Origa
you are saying them the wrong way. Are you a Genshin Player or what? Genshin Always has 50/50 pity which is very ridiculous. I just hate the Genshin Pity system but like the story and character designs. On the other hand, PGR always guarantees that you will get your very wanted S rank with no pity(100%) each time the new S rank is released. That's generous enough to be in Gacha games.
100% guareentee rate is not drop rate, it's prevent you from getting the character you don't want. And you only have to pull 60 times to get an S rank, that's the same lvl of generousity as Arknights. You can get every S rank character in game without paying for anything so you are getting rewarded ALOTS, idk why you say that anyway.
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