Real Time Random Tower Defense Anyone Can Enjoy....

Guardian Chronicle R is a real time random tower defense with endless fun. The gameplay takes the traditional tower defense style and adds some spice to it. You build a deck that contains 5-character cards. As you generate energy, you use that energy to summon your characters to the battlefield. The twist is that you never know which character among the 5 will show up. This fast-paced action has you strategically thinking on the fly. You then can merge like characters on the battlefield to make stronger of higher level characters.
The game has a bunch of different game modes including co-op and live PVP action. Playing with and against others is the best part about this game. It keeps the gameplay always fresh and fun. The game has a cash shop where you can do some serious damage with your wallet. Everything from premium currency packs to character card packs. The gacha system is very generous though with a 3 percent chance to summon a legendary hero. The game is also generous by giving you many summoning tickets if your free 2 play or a low spender. The problem I faced though was with gold. The gold is used to level up your characters which then grants you account XP. Leveling up your account is very important as it gives you permanent buffs account wide.
Overall, its a great game with loads of content to offer. This is a game you will be playing for a long time and playing every chance you get. Anyone can enjoy this even if your not a big fan of tower defense games. The community is great and you will surely find some awesome people in game.
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