Detective Mimo on the Case...need some tuna first! Detective Mimo!

Wow, we are spending time in the mystery genre of mobile games, but this time, we are the catpolice! We need to stop a bank robbery and an infamous robber!
Today's game we are looking at today is called Detective Mimo!
Only available for Apple iOS devices and Android 
There is a bright, shining City hidden in the Kingdom of CAT called Shrimp, a fantastic place with luxurious facilities such as Cat Beauty Salon, fish café, and MEW Bank.
Shrimp attracts thieves from the whole country. The prime target is the most mysterious and wealthy palace, MEW Bank.
One day, a renowned thief proclaimed that he would invade the bank and loot all the gold.
Shrimp needs Detective Mimo, a police cat who has guarded the city bravely to stop the crime!
After conquering obstacles and solving puzzles, Mimo finally meets the thief, but to her surprise, the thief tells her another story that will change Mimo's life forever.
My Experience
After going through a decent amount of the game, there are alot of puzzles to go through, searching for clues and going through a well-told story.
So far, each puzzle ranges from easy to very difficult, each with different ways to solve puzzles with items or using a combination of things. Pros and Cons:
Well Designed Puzzles
Thinking Outside the Box
Great Visuals
Short Game
Reuses locations
This game is short, with great fourth wall-breaking and challenging puzzle elements. Honestly, this feels abit more like a demo than a full-on game.
Detective Mimo gets a rating of
Check out this game if you want a short game with great puzzles! It's available on the iOs store/Android.
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