Explore an endless abyss in this action-heavy roguelike

Abyss is a solid roguelike ARPG with distinctive hand-drawn visuals. It looks a little more like a Saturday-morning cartoon than an anime, but there were times when it made me think of one of my favorite manga series, Made in Abyss.
The gameplay loop is a simple one: enter the mysterious abyss, fight through hordes of monsters, choose character upgrades, and score lots of loot. While the abyss is infinite, you can send your hero on missions where they scope out a specific number of floors. Once you complete a mission, you can head back to safety and apply permanent upgrades to your hero.
Moving your character in Abyss requires you to swipe up and right, no matter what direction you want to travel in. That took some time to adjust to, but once I was used to the controls, I found it pretty easy to explore the abyss and unleash attacks on enemies. The combat isn't very complex, but it's fast-paced and has a satisfying hack-and-slash feel.
Most missions can be completed within a few minutes, making this a great title for quick on-the-go play sessions. At the end of each run, you can compare your performance against other players, which is a nice ego boost!
Abyss does have a season pass and in-game store, but I was able to unlock plenty of upgrade materials while playing for free. I wasn't bombarded by ads, and I never felt pressured to spend money.  If you're looking for an easy-to-play action roguelike you can enjoy for free, Abyss is definitely a title you'll want to check out!
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