My current arena team(Pitaya Dragon Cookie Update)

Pitaya Dust
Pitaya Dragon Cookie and Stardust Cookie are used as damage dealers to turn the enemy into dust. Hence, the name.
Hollyberry Cookie - 5 Solid Almonds
Pitaya Dragon Cookie - 5 Searing Raspberries
Stardust Cookie - 5 Juicy Apple Jelly
Pure Vanilla Cookie - 5 Solid Almonds
BTS Cookie - 5 Swift Choco
Use Candy Diver Cookie if you don't have BTS.
The treasures are the Old Pilgrim's Scroll, the Dream Conductor's Whistle and Sleepyhead's Jellywatch(Use Squishy Jelly Watch if Sleepyhead isn't max lvl).
Pitaya and Stardust take the Dream Conductor's whistle buff.
Bad Against - Frost Queen, Sherbet, Prophet with Frost Queen's skill
Good Against - Hollyberry-Werewolf Holky-Capsaicin, Holly-Schwarzwalder, Vampire, Madeleine ATK SPD, Captain Caviar one shot.
Hollyberry Cookie reduces CRIT received by the entire team by 35% for 9 seconds with her Damage Focus. CRIT hits help her in stacking the Seed of Life and also increases her HP by 5%. When the Seed of Life blooms into Berry of life after x15 stacks, her cool down for the next Seed of Life decreases. And her next charge also stuns the enemy for 2 sec. She uses 5 Solid Almond because she is being used as the solo tank in this comp. Make sure to have atleast 45% DMG Resist.
Even though Pitaya Dragon Cookie is a charge Cookie, we aren't using Solid Almonds in this build. This is because we want to turn the enemy into dust ASAP so, 5 Searing raspberries are the preferred choice.
With his skill 'Draconic Bladestorm', Pitaya Dragon Cookie fires off two waves of Draconic Blade energy, dealing damage equal to 119.9% per hit. Total DMG = 239.8%. They also reduce the amount of healing the targets receive by 35% for 15 seconds which stacks once.
After this, they assume their Dragon form and spew Flaming Breath which does 58.7% DMG every 0.4 sec for 2 sec. Total DMG = 293.5%. During this, they also ignore 10% of the target's DMG resist. Also, enemies' ATK is reduced by 18.7% for 15 sec which stacks once.
Whenever they use their skill(Flaming Breath), they gain a stack of Pitaya Fury that will enhance their skill upon reaching 2 stacks.
So, their third skill will be enhanced which will deal 103.8% DMG every 0.25 sec for 2 sec. Total DMG = 830.4%
They also ignore 40% of target's DMG resistance while using their Enhanced Flaming Breath.
Also, target's receive additional 15% Fire-Type DMG for 15 sec which stacks once.
In their Dragon form, their CRIT% is increased by 10% for 3 sec which stacks once and they remove all the debuffs applied to them.
Finally, their DMG Resist is increased by 3% per 1% of increased ATK which is capped at 35%.
As a Dragon Cookie, Pitaya Dragon Cookie will receive 30% less damage from other Dragon Cookies but this one is useless as of rn because they are the only cookie in the game with Dragon Rarity.
Make sure to have atleast 25% DMG Resist via substats.
Stardust cookie's skill 'Sign of the Stars' targets the opponent's main damage dealer and prevents it from gaining buffs, decreases their ATK by 30%, healing by 40% and increases the DMG received by 35%. Also, he will deal area damage equal to 436.2% of ATK and amplify debuffs the enemies receive.
We are using five Juicy Apple Jellies to increase the chance of a critical hit which makes the target fall asleep. If the main damage dealer perishes, the chances of victory are high. And if the skill is dispelled, the target and the nearby enemies will receive damage equal to 1005% of ATK. Also, his DMG resist increases by 35% for 7.5 sec after using the skill. And when the enemies are asleep due to his skill, Stardust Cookie summons meteors to attack them. Make sure to have around 25% DMG resist and 45-50% CRIT%.
Pure Vanilla Cookie's skill 'Love and Peace' Illuminates the Battlefield with his Vanilla Orchid Staff, granting amplify buffs to regular healing targets for 10 sec. The light reaches all corners of the battlefield, replenishing the party's HP by 185.2% of ATK and reducing the effects of Injury. Pure Vanilla Cookie heals the amount of HP proportional to the reduction of Injury's effects. He then casts an HP Shield absorbing 20% of damage proportional to their Max HP for 10 sec. If the HP Shield is dispelled or the target is immune, Pure Vanilla Cookie instead grants a buff that restores HP over time by 1% of Max HP every sec for 7 sec. He also has a passive ability that resists debuffs by 30%.
He uses 5 Solid Almonds because he isn't the solitary healer in the comp. Also, it can prevent him from getting sniped by Vanpire Cookie. Make sure to have atleast 45% DMG Resist.
Use Candy Diver only if you don't have BTS. Else BTS is the better option.
BTS Cookies' skill 'ARMY'S Wishes', makes them Safeguarded and invulnerable to enemy attacks. It periodically heals 20% every sec for 7 sec. They also provide a buff giving immunity to stun and increased Debuff Resist for 10 sec and +30% for 10 sec respectively.
If an ally is suffering from 3 or more debuffs, the entire team will receive a HP Shield that is equal to 17.5% of Max HP for 3 sec.
Also, the DMG resist is increased by 13.5% for 8 sec which stacks once.
Since they are safeguarded, we use 5 Swift Choco with 24.3% cooldown and no DMG Resist for faster skill rotation.
Happy Climbing:)
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