Tower of God

Hello everyone, I've been reading options about the game, I've been reading the manwha since 2015, when I found out that the story was going to have an anime and then a game a year later I was excited, I currently play at night when I return from work, the artistic style I like it a lot and yes, you have to give it time to be able to have your favorite team or strong characters, know how to think and use what they give you, it is a game for a certain number of people who love and like history, the gameplay can favor others or not, it can be very varied by not enjoying it, I love the idea that it is automatic, it is the first time I have played one like this and I like it, in conclusion I think that it is not necessary but if you have 10 or 15 free minutes you can do the daily quests and level up very fast and have whatever you want. (I have not bought anything because the packs seem excessively expensive, I am f2p). thx  ‧₊˚
in case you want to add me ;)
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Minh Sơn Phạm
Minh Sơn Phạm
you should raise your standards lol,this game deserves a 0.5/10 5 tbh
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