If Zelda & Valheim had a kid!

Having played in the 1st Beta, I can say I had an absolute blast!
This game is an incredible Self-paced, Low-fantasy Survival Adventure. There are numerous Biomes, with unique weather that affects the way you play. A Plethora of Monsters with a wonderful variety. All gear is crafted, and had decent durability.  Yes weapons do eventually breakdown, but they last for quite a long time! And crafting new swords, maces, hammers, shields & bows etc... Isn't a pain.
The Dungeons are nice, though a few I went into could have used a bit of improvement. Better lighting and a few minor tweaks.
You can earn Companions in-game, using a gem resource you get just by playing the game. And they have their own backpack space, and unique talents, both active and passive that benefit your group.
There is a mount taming mechanic, that isn't overly complicated and comfortably utilizes the crafting system. At the current time only Horses were rideable, but the variants in type were numerous.
The open world is a Sandbox! And nearly everything in sight was interactive.  You can build almost anywhere you want. Me and my friends Built our own village. You can even build up the starter town! You can terraform the land, raising and lowering it as needed. And we even managed to redirect the flow of a small lake, creating an easily obtained water source near our village.
I can't wait for this to release. I can see it being my most played game. it's fantastic.
(Edit): To anyone interested in playing, feel free to say so in the comments section! And we can trade Discord info. Have fun!
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