Don’t miss the surprisingly deep Extremely Realistic Siege Warfare Simulator - Pocket Playfest

When I first launched Extremely Realistic Siege Warfare Simulator, I admit I was expecting something more along the lines of Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, a goofball physics comedy game about setting up the most ridiculous ragdoll battles possible and watching as the mayhem ensues. Imagine my surprise, then, that Extremely Realistic Siege Warfare Simulator is as deep a real-time strategy game as I’ve ever seen on mobile, and much more along the lines of the simple but thoughtful Bad North.
Welcome to TapTap’s Pocket Playfest - An Indie Celebration! Beginning on June 16 and running through June 28, we will be showcasing demos for ten brand-new, unpublished mobile games. These ten games are all from indie developers and represent some of the most exciting upcoming mobile games on the horizon. You’ll only be able to download those demos for Android right here on TapTap, so stay tuned!
In addition to checking out some exciting new games, you’ll also be able to vote for your favorites. The developers whose games get the most votes will get a big cash prize from TapTap, and that’s not all: You can win too! Just by playing these games and voting for your favorites, you’ll earn points and get entered into a giveaway! You could win a Steam Deck, an Xbox Elite controller, or even a $1000 gift card.
Extremely Realistic Siege Warfare Simulator is one of the ten games TapTap will be featuring as part of our Pocket Playfest. Enjoy the rest of our thoughts, and be sure to come back on June 16 so you can download it and try it for yourself. Play and vote for your chance to win!
A series of tutorials introduced me to each element of Extremely Realistic Siege Warfare Simulator, and it was a lot to go through. From selecting and commanding units to move, to building structures and ladders so that my troops could scale enemy walls, this title has everything you’d expect from a fully-featured PC strategy game—which may be because that’s exactly what it is.
As it turns out, Extremely Realistic Siege Warfare Simulator is a fairly direct port of the PC version of the game, without any of the complexity stripped out. Units can accept multiple types of orders, each unit type has its own special ability, and the fighting gets brutal and challenging. The graphics are stylish and simple, which keeps there from being too much visual clutter on the screen—often a problem with PC-first strategy games.
The fact that this is essentially a direct port of a PC game comes with some minor issues, at least for me. My stumpy old man fingers led to frequent misclicks, and one false move can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
That struggle aside, this is one of the better RTS games I’ve ever played on mobile, so I’ll be eager to follow along with development. I’m especially looking forward to trying the sandbox game mode when it launches.
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Viena Culla
Viena Culla
🥳🥳📺 🧥 👖
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