Top 4 Best New Turn Based RPG games mobile (by : GameMobile HDgraphic) YouTube

Ezetta Prophecy, if you would like to play No anime game in a semi open world game that has very good graphics with a turn based System  then you must play Ezetta Prophecy, it has quite complete gameplay, you need to explore the world that full of puzzle and obstacles that needs to solve. Face the enemy in the active Turn-based System, your character will attack the enemy automatically, but you only need to touch the skill button manually, you are able to target the enemy as you want. Mostly every combat has 2 waves, so keep on your team to survive until the end of the waves. There are a lot of characters that are playable to pick and can be obtained through the journey.
Black Clover Mobile Rise of the Wizard King, ok finally we have the worthy Turn based RPG game on Android iOS, this game suddenly released in Japan with Triple A quality game. Every play gives the best feedback and high expectations while playing this game. This RPG allows the player to explore the mini map with a chibi character, but when we arrive at the city, we will play as the 3D character. The gameplay is really simple, we just need to fill up the stamina with basic attack, then release the skill when you have enough stamina.
Engage Kill, this game was just a new release on Japan, and made by square enix game's developers. Which is well known as the Final fantasy Frenchies. I can clearly see most of the characters are female, of course they have a pretty face and perfect shape and this game is totally good for a waifu hunter. The gameplay of Engage Kill is, we need to make our energy become 100% so we can unleash the powerful skill, I noticed this game is not so flashy just like the other RPG, that make us clearly see the character movement.
BrownDust2, Enjoy the epic adventure with 2D graphics, this game will focus on the storyline, we will get so many cutscenes through the journey, with perfect timing. The gameplay is an open world, we can use a dash button to speed up the movement. It's kind of a turn based game when we are entering combat. But it's quite difficult to see the whole character because we can't rotate the camera, we only see them from the third view perspective. This game has been done 2 times beta testing and every time they do it, we always see the progress. I am super excited about this best turn-based RPG games.
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