FarLight 84 is a banger!!

It's been a very long time since I felt this good playing a Battle royal game, the only good BR android I had was COD mobile but that game is just a disappointing mess nowadays, PuBG has always been an unoptimized laggy and unbalanced game with very old controls that felt like it's from ps2, then came Apex legends an excellent BR with very good control and overall amazing gameplay, but since I heard the news of Apex legends server will be down,
It's  sad and disappointing news and after that, I stop playing apex legends,
Then recently only 4 days ago I install Farlight,
And I didn't  have any expectations for this game to be good, but to my surprise, Farlight is a very good game, far superior then Cod mobile when it comes to shooting and smooth optimization, the control work very well, and also the game looks pretty amazing,
There are no lag and graphics glitches, it's a pretty impressive game overall,
But with all that good things this game still feels like a demo version, there are some basic problems like adding friends or finding people to play with is not simple as it should be, also matches take very long to start and even so there are many bots, and that's very disappointing,
This game took inspiration from Apex Legends and overwatch with different character's classes and play styles, but at the same time it took some of the worse things from games like PUBG,
So if u play Cod mobile or Apex Legends there are season packs in which players have to pay real money to get extra good loot and I understand as a free game they had to include things like this to make money, and besides that in both of these games player can still unlock lots of things without paying money but grinding for days,
and these are 2 top BR game on the play store and still, they are providing free content to the player because otherwise, the game will be just boring, but unfortunately, Farlight don't have that kind of reward system that keeps me playing for unlocking something or getting some kind of rank or reward,
Just like PuBG, in this game, you will get things that last only for some hours or days and it's such a stupid and pathetic practice that PuBG starts in the first place, but Farlight doing the same things, in this game,
For example, u get the skin of the heroes that u don't even unlock yet and the skin is also limited-time skin, it's a stupid and lazy cash grab way to encourage the player to pay money, this is one thing that I have a fear that Farlight will get worse as time pass by,
But I honestly hope they don't mess it up like pubgs or Cod mobile, these two BR game lobby screen is full of so many ads for cosmetics,
Farlight on the other hand doesn't have any of that, the screen is clean and the game is quick,
Other than that, I faced some glitches,
In the TDM when I die or start the game, my scope just won't show up, I only see my gun without any scope and it's not like I lose the scope, it's just the game glitch and I don't see the scope, but if shoot I have to aline my weapon very down then the enemy target just like we do with scope,
I also have an issue with sound glitch out, and the left and right hearing change, the thing I should hear from the left, I hear it on the right side, and no matter what I do it just won't fix, and because of this issue I don't use headphones while playing the game,
And also many times in BR I got stuck in a vehicle after getting out of any car tank or anything that's a big vehicle, my hero just sucks and I can't move around until I use to jump or side glide, there are also some other issues but these are just some examples,
Overall, Farlight is a very good BR game but it needs lots of mods and also free content, the game gets very boring soon if keep playing the same mod against the bots,
Also, the reward system should be added, rather than the pathetic achievements system they copy from PUBG, like for example
"Win a BR math without damaging anyone"
Who the fuck sits there at home and does shit like this, it's pathetic and it doesn't even require any skills, and beside it's not a job it's a game and the achievement should be fun, it should be based on playing the game rather than doing things that makes your random team members hates you, while u doing this stupid achievement your team members are struggling and getting frustrated because of you, and the worse thing is that game telling you to do things like this, it's stupid and toxic for people who just want to play the game and have fun with there team members,
But for some reason Farlight developers thought that's a good idea let's add one of the most useless things from PuBG to our much superior game,,,,
I can talk about the thing that will make this game much better all day,
But only if the developer would listen,
I just wish the Farlight developers don't mess up this game and try to listen to the player,
And by the player, I don't mean the people who play other BR, but people who play your game, because anyone who plays PUBG will say why this game doesn't have the stupid shoulder peeking mechanic or some other dumb shit, but they don't realize this game is way much faster and it doesn't need peeking mechanics, it will completely kill the game great movement base gameplay, and everyone would be sitting on the house and playing the cheep peeking trick they usually do in PUBG, or just pron on the ground,
Anyway, that's a long time since I wrote a review, and the reason for my losing interest is that TapTap don't worth the time I used to spend on this app and writing deep reviews after playing the games,  so I stopped doing that, have a great day and let me know what do u think about this game and do u agree with me or not,,,
Take care
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