Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (Demo Review)

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (Reviewed)
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Release Date: June 30th, 2023
Price: $30 USD
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a remake of the original Nintendo DS puzzle-solving mystery game, with the literary style and vintage atmosphere of the Ace Attorney series. It's great to see it expanding to more platforms.
When it comes to the Ace Attorney series, I feel like I'm the odd one out. I've played them, and while the actual cases were enjoyable, I hated the detective aspect of things because it detracted from the whole experience. Each case began with a search for clues at the crime scene taking a lot of steps and travelling back and forth to find a handful of hints. No skill or puzzle aspect to it; just talk to one person, then go talk to another, who sends you back to the first.
Ghost Trick is nothing like that. It's straight to the gameplay after a little dialog.
You're dead
Sissel is the primary character and the character that the player controls. He dies shortly before the start of the game and is turned into a ghost who can use "tricks" to manipulate the world around him. He won't have long, though, for if he waits until sunrise, he will vanish forever and enter the next life. He possesses the power to rewind time for other souls to save them from their deaths, but not for himself. He's determined to find out who wanted him murdered and what he can do to save himself before it is too late, while also saving many others.
Compared to the original pixelated Nintendo DS version this remake stands out because of its clean colors and smooth animations and by amusing dialogue.
The music is neither extremely impressive nor underwhelming. It appears simple, and your comprehension of your powers is fairly straightforward not confusing.
The tutorials were short and to the point throughout the demo, which is a good thing because nothing is more annoying than hours of tutorials. You are briefed on what has happen and what you can do, then you are left to your own devices.
This is a puzzle game in which you have a limited amount of time to complete the issues. You'll be trying to figure out why you were killed while trying to save everyone involved by changing their fates with your ghost powers.
You can manipulate, move, and operate various objects, but not living things. You will use these abilities to assist victims in surviving their fates while also trying to gather as much information about yourself as you can before morning.
It's not too deep or built upon too much in this restricted demo accessible right now, but it's excellent enough to make you wonder what will be shown later on.
As I previously indicated, despite their popularity, I am not a fan of Shu Takumi games. It's more that I don't enjoy playing long, drawn-out, repetitive stories with minimal gameplay action. I enjoyed this game for what it was. So far, it appears to be easy, though I would expect the challenge to increase in the later chapters.
I could see myself purchasing it once it is out in order to finish the story and discover the truth behind everything going on with Sissel and Lynne.
This concludes my views of this game; while my opinions may be met with criticism, that is what distinguishes gamers; you don't have to like the same things as others, nor do you have to agree with them.
If you want to catch me on one of my streams or locate me on social media, you may do so at the following locations, I'm always playing something new.
- Pawkt
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