Rainbow Six: Extraction (First Impressions)

Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release Date: June 15th, 2023 (Steam)
Price: $40 USD
It's difficult to believe Rainbow Six: Siege was released nearly 9 years ago. Those were simpler times, camping around the treehouse as Glaz, selecting Fuse and fusing the hostage while simultaneously winning. It was a good time.
It's a well-known fact in the gaming community that Ubisoft is one of the worst corporations and creators when it comes to games and NOT trying to milk you for all you're worth and squeezing every penny out of the games they put out, regardless of how bad they are or how many times they've been reused.
This doesn't work as a concept because other games exist
Ubisoft values money more than it values developing decent games. This isn't a stand-alone game created from the bottom up. It takes stuff from the main game, such as fast-paced gameplay, competition, and rapid rushing clear with other players, and slows it down to a goddamn snail's pace. This game was released in 2022 before being released onto steam recently and do you want to know a genuine game that accomplishes everything this game tries to do, but better?
GTFO, which is a game released in 2019 and has published update after update for free with no DLC purchases for the massive amount of content and genuinely difficult and thrilling gameplay through the music, teamwork and story lore.
Ubisoft Launcher
Immediately after loading any Ubisoft game, regardless of where you play them, be it Steam or elsewhere. You're greeted with 5-6 prompts asking if you're comfortable with them accessing your computer with the Ubisoft Launcher.
Nobody cares about an extra launcher, they simply want to play the game they paid for. Forcing someone to download an extra quarter-gig because they want you to play the game through their launcher rather than straight through Steam is nonsense. Especially once it asks you to sign up for a completely different website entirely and then to link it through steam, for a game you'll stop playing after an hour.
Connection Issues
It's self-explanatory. There have been numerous disconnects while hosting a game via the client. It's nothing I wouldn't expect from a game with a developer who doesn't care about putting out content or managing games effectively.
Personally, I don't see much content in this game. It feels more like a game mode you'd play on a rotation game basis than a full-fledged game with tons of content. The music is whatever and the gameplay is so goddamn bland.
Being bland does not imply being bad. Bland is significantly worse than bad. The sole reason I play video games is to physically experience something through the gameplay, aesthetics, and music. But I'm not feeling anything with this game.
I feel like I'm staring at a screen and nothing is clicking or working in my brain. I'm just blacking out while nothing special happens. Move, Shoot, Extract. That's it.
I'm falling asleep
It is developed by a triple A studio, the money is spent on the visuals rather than the fundamental gameplay. So far it has been simply three things and three things only to be accomplished with each mission that you head out into.
1) Enter the mission.
2) Move about quietly and finish the objectives.
3) Exit, preferably with your entire crew still alive.
If you fail and must leave early, you will fail the task and must try again. If somebody dies while playing the round, you must go back in with your team to try to save them through extraction. If you fail they turn off that character as MIA.
So, suppose it was your most senior operator. You will now have to play one of your weaker operators that have access to a lot less gear. It's not really a fun mechanic especially for someone like me who prefers to play only a handful of characters in video games. Mute is not available and he was pretty much one of the only characters I actually really liked to play.
I don't get this tired from video games unless they're missing story, excitement, or just plain gameplay. I can usually get through some games if I can connect with something in the physical game, such as a character, the soundtrack, or the battle. But I'm completely drawing a blank here, passing out from boredom.
My initial thoughts on this game come to a close with the caveat that, while others may disagree, that is what makes gamers unique. You don't have to share their interests or agree with them and are welcome to critic me on mine.
If you want to catch me on one of my streams or locate me on social media, you may do so at the following locations, I'm always playing something new.
- Pawkt
Mentioned games
It didn't came out on June 15th 2023 bro
TapTap Creator
Steam version.
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