Morning Tour: episode 1-one game shutdown and another still standing.

This'll be a series that I make every morning where I talk about 2 or more games each morning. Now let's get started!
Metal Revolution was a fighting game that was so good, but before I could get my hands on it, it sadly shut down. It had some amazing graphics and I wish that it never shut down. It just looked so good and the servers shut down before I could even play.
Now let's move on the second game!
Dislyte is a fun turn based game that hasn't shut down yet and I recommend trying it. They base their characters off of mythology. You can't play the game that was talked about earlier, but you sure can play this, and if you're interested, then come on and try it!
This concludes the first episode of morning Tour, and I shall see you again tomorrow!
Mentioned games

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