I See You - At First Glance

I See You is another Survival-Horror/Thriller game inspired by Resident Evil. The only caveat is that... you're going in blind.
You play as Sean, a guy that was blinded by an accident of some kind. He has a girlfriend, Liz, who helps take care of him amidst his disability.
Sean's blindness is a part of the core gameplay. You can never see beyond a certain radius so it actually forces you to move around to really explore your surroundings.
Sound is also a vital gameplay mechanic as it helps you locate things like a TV that's been blasting a show or even a telephone ringing. The same is true when you are locating monsters denoted by red footprints and a red aura.
It's really nerve-wracking how the monster is just constantly on the prowl. Yeah, the red steps and aura probably give off his location. But, being blind, there's no telling whether his already near the only door to the room you're in while you're at the other side of the room exploring.
The game also has a somewhat limited inventory system that's in-line with the Survival-Horror genre, as well as a crafting system.
My only problem with this game is also what seems to plague other games from non-native English speakers. Just some translation issues from time to time as well as the seemingly forced delivery of conversations. Nothing that a bit of polishing can fix.
To summarize, this game is great both in gameplay and sound design. It makes good use of the mechanics to instill a certain feeling of suspense with each movement. Just a bit of polish and I'm sure I See You might as well be on the road to greatness.
Looking forward to see the final game!
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Spongbob Squarepants
Spongbob Squarepants
I can't progress after unlocking the computer password😭😭
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Paulius Burokas
Paulius Burokas
w13aOooQ please enter this code in the event you will help me a lot. Thank you in advance. 🙏
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