Hellish Payground Game

Score: 7/10
Did I enjoy it? Yes. In terms of fun factor this game had it in the coupole hours I spent with it. I could easily see myself coming back to it and testing our different characters in different arenas.
Would I come back to it? Honestly, if time permitted I would probably return. If nothing else this is a game that I would mention to others as it is very different in terms of gameplay. 
Personal Playtime: 2  hours
Full Review:
Kloot Arena is simple in terms of design and objective. Get rid of your opponent's marbles while you defend yours. Yes, it's a marble game. Yet, its darker asterism paves the way for each devilish character, or mask, to stand out. Of which there are 11.
Players take turns using their masks abilities to deplete the health of the enemy marbles or knock them out of the arena. There are several arenas to choose from, each of which lends itself to a particular mask. You can only enter the arena with two different masks and change them between turns. There are two rounds with a reset to the five original marbles after three turns. The player with the most marble eliminations wins.
The game caught me by surprise as it is both fairly deep and fun to test out the characters' strengths and weaknesses. I am also glad that you can test out characters before you use your gems to purchase them. This made the process substantially more enjoyable.
The thing that I was not a fan of was that there was no single-player content to speak of. While this isn't necessarily a problem, it makes the game's longevity limited, as being able to find a player is contingent on the number of players online. This seemed like an issue early on, but it resolved itself the more I played. However, I assume that at some point there will not be enough players to make this a recommendation.
The last thing that I would say is an issue is the monetization model. While you can unlock all of the characters fairly easily, I would say that being able to level both them and your base health makes the P2W arguments creep in. This is something that always rubs me the wrong way.
Regardless, the concept alone makes it at least worth checking out.
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