Block story is a single player rpg open world sandbox game. I played this game four years ago and saw it expand from a seemingly simple Minecraft copy to it's own niche and fun game.
Block story presents the player with a world where the player is free to explore many biomes that include frozen tundras, deserts, oceans, forests, skyworlds and the underworld and even space! Fight mobs and learn how to fight bosses. Complete quests and gather resources to unlock weapons, tools, and companions that will help you fight mobs and explore the world.
While it is true that the graphics of mobs and npcs do not fit the style of the game, I learned to tolerate it. I genuinely think it adds charm to the game.
There is plenty of QoL changed that could be implemented in the game such as inventory management, mob and npc AI, pet companion respawn timers and the like.
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With that being said exploration is satisfying as the player can use magic points to fly across the world. There are numerous vehicles to use to traverse the ocean, the sky and the land alike. The combat is simple with a general point and click to attack. Mind you that an enemy's knock back is finicky. There are plenty of melee weapons to use early game and ranged weapons are acquired after quests. The magic system is a tricky concept. There is an element of weakness that every mob has. Bugs are weaker to fire magic. Dragons have an affinity to fire or electricity magic. Undead are weak to healing magic. Player progress is accounted with levels. Level 200 is the max level. Every time the player ascends one level, the player gains skill points at which the player can use to increase health, mana, movement speed, flight speed. Melee attack and Magic attack can also be raised this way. Bows and Guns too
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