Dumb Way s to Climb - An Only UP clone that honestly feels AVERAGE at Best.

Dumb ways to Climb is obviously a game that wants to get in on the Only Up trend by making their own version of the game. While I have never played the Only Up game, I do have a general idea on what the game is all about. The game play of this game is very simple, I really don't know how else to explain it.
You can move around with the virtual joystick, and you can jump and toggle a sprint feature as well. And that's it for the controls. The goal of the game is to see how fast it takes you to climb up on all the obstacles. If you fall off you don't die, you just have to climb again or reset to start the timer again. And that's all there is to this game.
There's nothing else to mention. Visually the game doesn't look that bad. The main character you play does stand out from the graphics of the environment though. Feels like he doesn't belong since the character is such a different style compared to the environment itself. Honestly I was pretty impressed with the environment graphics.
Not so much with the character you play though. Audio wise the game has a simple jingle playing in the background. I think it's the dumb ways to die song? Though I can't be 100% certain on it because it's so quiet. The audio for the environment and sound effects in general are not bad. Honestly the audio is fairly good. I couldn't hear any poor sound or lack of effects so I can't complain about the audio.
Overall though I'd say that this game is severely simple. There are no different game modes, and there isn't even a game starting menu. It just throws you into the game right away and the timer begins. I think this game should add different game modes to reduce the monotony of just doing the same thing over and over again, and I'd change the character.
It really feels out of place in the game world. Unfortunately right now the game is just a bit too boring. It felt amusing the first few times, but after that it started to feel stale reel fast. I do think the game world is pretty interesting. But that is about it for this game. If I wanted to play a Only Up like game, I'd rather play the original. 
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Trent Messer
Trent Messer
I mean idc bc it is a good game.
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