This game has amazing potential, amazing art and decent gameplay, with a variety of activities. However I cannot stand by any longer with the type of cannibalistic monetisation this game is offering. In case anyone doesn’t know, this game released in China and Taiwan 2 years ago, and it was really good (besides the p2w matchmaking), with a huge base of players. However, after WB decided to co-publish the global version, they have made some very poor decisions in terms of game changes. They removed pets and card skins from battlepasses, reduced the number of rewards for battlepass, increased the number of times you need to spin the wheel to clear it, changed the entire pulling system, removed glitter and VERY NICE vfx for both outfits and wands, gatekeeping resources so we are forced to pay to enjoy the game, the list goes on. The worst change they have made is repackaging content that was previously free or very cheap in CN/TW servers and selling it for x10 or even x100 the price. Even the wand you get from loyalty reward or mystery wheel are reskins of old wands that are so ugly compared to what the wands offered were. Every day they offer aMaZiNg dEaLs that are literally repackaged content like old battlepass outfits and previously FREE wands  and owls. It is absolutely disgusting to see that they have turned to these kind of methods just to earn profits when players would have spent more if they had just kept things the same… To be clear once again. Although NetEase is the publisher for the Asia region, Warner Bros. are the ones that are making all these executive changes and claiming it is due to “copyright issues”. I don’t understand how they think this is okay. Please revert the game to the old CN/TW version and let us enjoy the game. If you do play this game, do not give them a single cent.
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Vandhana Kumar
Vandhana Kumar
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