Meet the gateway drug to retro shoot ’em ups - Strike Buster Prototype Quick Review

Play it! Strike Buster Prototype is finally here! After catching the preview during our Pocket Play Festival, I was hyped for the full release on Android, and I wasn’t disappointed. Strike Buster Prototype still has all of the combos, enhancements, and enemies to keep you on your toes, but with more characters, missions, and achievements, it’s everything I loved about the demo and more.
I sank around five hours into Strike Buster Prototype on my Android device. Don’t get confused. Part of the gameplay of Strike Buster Prototype is seeing how long you can last, and by no means did I get anywhere near a full five-hour run.
• The boomstick combos. Strike Buster Prototype’s weapon combinations provide most of the game’s fun. I had to constantly switch between guns to match the enemy’s vulnerabilities while collecting relics to pull off powerful attacks. This strategic element made Strike Buster Prototype stand out from your average survival shooter.
• A funky retro style. Who doesn’t appreciate the old school? The gameplay in Strike Buster Prototype may have reminded me of games like Space Invaders, but the 2D pixel art and music brought me back to that era emotionally. The pink and purple color scheme gives off an ’80s vibe, but the 3D character animations balance the experience with a slightly more modern feel.
• Pick your poison. The latest rendition of Strike Buster Prototype comes equipped with plenty of missions to switch up the play style. One of my favorites is Boss Rush, a mode where the main objective is to defeat as many bosses as possible. If you’re really insane, you might want to try your hand at hardcore mode, where the battlefield continuously shrinks. The variety of modes and mission types kept the game fresh much longer than the single mission type available in the demo.
• Where’s the story? Shoot ’em ups may not be known for having a deep plot, but the story keeps me invested in a game, and there isn’t much of one here. In fact, I don’t think I really know anything about the world of Strike Buster Prototype or its characters even after spending so much time with it this week.
• The same ol’ song. Shoot, die, repeat—that’s essentially what this game is. Although the new mission modes give it a bit more variety, Strike Buster Prototype largely plays out like an endless loop.
💬 Will you play Strike Buster Prototype or skip it? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
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