Strike Buster Prototype - Gameplay Review

Strike Buster Prototype is a fast paced shooter action arcade mobile game that has a lot of challenging game modes. This game has got a lot of mission modes. In the Endless mission, you can keep defeating lots of enemies and boss in an endless streak to keep racking up gold and relics. Then there is custom mode where you can customize your gameplay as per your own style. Then there is Boss rush mode where you can keep fighting lots of powerful boss units. Its actually very fun because, you will be able to get powerful relics very fast in this gaming mode. Next is hardcore mode, where the gameplay is most challenging as the battlefield keeps shrinking very fast and your mobility keep getting more and more limited. And finally there is Asteroid mode where the meteor shower make the game more challenging and interesting. There are a total of 3 weapons in the game namely Bullet, Laser and Tesla. You can always pick permanent weapons for unlimited use but the temporary weapons last only for 1 battle. You can sell them to get extra gold. Overall, the game is very challenging and fantastic in a fast paced gameplay setup. If you know how to play the game efficiently, this game can be very fun and interesting. Boss battles can be very frustrating but trust me, when you defeat them, its very satisfying.
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