The Walking Dead: Destinies lets players shape TV Series storyline!

GameMill Entertainment and AMC have announced a new game in The Walking Dead universe called The Walking Dead: Destinies. Players can now pre-register it.
This is an action-adventure game presented in third-person with a strong emphasis on narrative. It allows players to alter the course of the storyline from seasons 1-4 of the popular television series through the choices they make. The game is currently being developed for the primary gaming platforms, including PC (available through Steam), PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.
You begin by playing as Rick Grimes and visit key locations from the show, such as the Greene farm, the prison, Woodbury, and Atlanta. When you come to certain key choice moments, you can determine who lives and who dies, with those choices potentially differing from how things played out on the show.
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Don’t dead. Open inside🙃
Sedric Lapating
Sedric Lapating
don't open dead inside lol
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