Graphics amazing it gives you the feeling of being immersed in that world not just through your eyes.I enjoyed the fact that you are able to switch between different kind of weapons and skills at any time you want.And I haven't experienced any lagging which is a plus.The story is quite interesting and the fact that you choose to play in one of the 2 faction makes it unique for either of your choice.Tutorial is kind of minimal and I haven't found an option to explain more on how to go about.The menu is a bit clustering and makes you confused on which is actually the main story line as you see the title with tagg main story but if you go to quest button you will actually find the main story quest.I am not a fan of too many "professions" you have to develop like mining ,plant ...etc all taking time as it's not automatically picked.It is hard to advance equipment wise and level wise,as I couldn't get a clear picture of how to go about it straight foward in obtaining equipment .I would have preferred a system where you get the equipment in quests and then proceed to upgrade it to obtain a certain degree of quality equipment than to use so much time and effort to make one equipment that is low quality.It has great potential.A menu that is simple ,clear will help the player engage easily.An introduction to activities as dailies and events should as well be introduced step by step as the character is growing  .As to not over burden the beginning of gaming experience.Thank you.
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