So it's a good game with not much on it right now because it's not fully out yet. The graphics are good. The sound is good, I recommend playing with headphones to hear directionally. The guns feel good with a fair amount of attachments. The attachments are behind a level system so make your own opinion on it.
The game is lacking maps as it's new. The game runs my phone hard though as it gets hot fast. I have a Google pixel 7 and I have Call of duty mobile and it runs hot as well but it takes time for that to happen. So I believe that it's the game and not my phone.
The game is hard and there definitely will be a big skill gap. That's great for competitive play but for casual people like myself it's honestly not much fun. If they put in a terrorist hunt and offline mode that would help. The AI don't miss much too though so they are also tough.
I'm not liking the ticket thing. Currently if you have an operator unlocked you have to use tickets to use them and you only have so many unfortunately. I don't know all the ways to get more tickets as I typically only use the recruit on both attacking and defending but I'm thinking that you may get some by gameplay and some by ranking up and everyone's least favorite buying them but I have not looked to far into it as I will probably not keep the game. They don't have any shield operators and a more fun casual CQB terrorist hunt style game mode. And there is no controller support. I would consider being more competitive with a controller as it will obviously be easy
However if you are a competitive player and nothing mentioned above bothers you then this is definitely a great game. It offers an aim and fire button so you can do that action together and also offers a separate aim and fire button so you have options there. It also offers button placement. Both things mentioned are like call of duty mobile and are a great to have in the game.
This game will absolutely punish you if you don't use your lean left and right action, if you don't use your ears, map knowledge, communication with your team, miss shots, and don't use your operator knowledge and tools. Yep so basically like regular Rainbow 6.
So this may be a 2 star review by me but if they can separate casual game play and competitive play, optimize the game, don't go overboard with micro transactions, add controller support, and add more maps and game modes other than the classic one and team death mach I believe that this game could be a game that A lot of people play
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