Rainbow 6 Mobile, its ok but it could be great.
Let's start with the good points, the graphics are good and it's siege on mobile, that's about as far as I go with good points.
Bad points, missing operators, quite a few of the base operators on the console and pc version aren't there, so no montaigne, no tachanka for a start, next are the operator tickets, you can't use an operator unless you have tickets for them, so once you've used an operator and they run out of tickets you then have to use the recruit operator, operators in the store are extortionate prices, caveira for example is 1200 operator tokens which if you purchase is £21.99.
Next up are the controls, now their are players out there who use 3 and 4 finger and can master the controls easily but for anyone looking to play using thumbs you're gonna have a rough time, for a game like siege where pinpoint accuracy is a vital point of the game its difficult to use the joystick to move, shoot with the other hand and also lean at the same time, so unless you play with 3 or 4 fingers you're gonna lose out on a gunfight.
Now i played siege on console when it first released in 2015, I stopped playing a year later and came back at operation health 1.0 in 2017 and played hardcore every day for a couple of years straight, I still play a couple of times a week now but I don't have time to fire up my series x so I mainly play mobile games, so when this got announced I was super hyped, but I was quickly disappointed, I currently have a love hate relationship with the game and I've done a couple of review videos on my youtube channel regarding this, now as much as the the things above frustrate me I can't stop playing, I'm just hoping that by the time it gets a global release a few changes are made.
Thanks for reading.
Tldr; ok but could be great, controls are tricky, expensive store items like every mobile game out there, but it's siege on mobile and it's hard to resist.
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Hentai Chan
Hentai Chan
yeah there no tactical in r6m they play like cod rushing and just want kill, I unusually play r6 pc and I understand player on mobile never play R6 before they don't even reinforce the wall door when play as defender
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IPlay Games
IPlay Games
you'd think they'd learn the game and play it more tactical, they're probably all coming over from codm.
itsme kazama
itsme kazama
The controls for me is quite stiff compared to other fps games but it's still a new game it might get optimized soon
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IPlay Games
IPlay Games
let's hope it does, I think it needs time and some optimisation for it to be where we would like it to be
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Roon uzumaki
Roon uzumaki
It does not work for those with Huawei devices that do not have Google services😭😭😭😭
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IPlay Games
IPlay Games
sorry to hear you can't play, you aren't missing much tbh
Mark Branson
Mark Branson
it's trash
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IPlay Games
IPlay Games
it's very hard to disagree with you tbh, I've had a rough few days playing, everyone is playing bomb like its team deathmatch in call of duty, there's nothing tactical about it right now and the controls are impossible unless you play 3-4 finger, if you're a thumbs only player there's no point at all, you're at a massive disadvantage, I'll play it again when they add controller support and see if it's any better, for now I'll stick to star wars hunters and mech arena, those games are a million percent better.
time to kill in this game is annoying
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Efe Can Yılmaz
Efe Can Yılmaz
how to fix black screen problem
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