Almost the entire game is beautiful and it is part of my childhood, the difficulty is very high and I like that and not talking about the music, the music makes me drop stars from my ears because of how good it is, although here come things that can be done or fix, I would like them to put a new ball, we have been without one for a long time, to be able to make purchases, I am not from China, you understand?, a level editor, one of our own within the game, I know this can be something difficult but I don't see it impossible and I don't know if it only happens to me but sometimes when I see ads, after seeing them the game restarts, making for example, watching an ad to get a checkpoint in a level doesn't make sense because it restarts but still, the 5 stars deserved
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Cheetah Games
Cheetah Games
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wth is this app
wth is this app
As one of the most ogs of all time,I agree that this game made our childhoods
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