PayDay 3 - Playtest was unimpressive

This does not represent the final release, and the version utilized has been noted several times to be an extremely outdated version of the game from April. While this is correct, and the playtest is coming to a conclusion, the number of faults observed with this version, as well as the general stability of the servers, was quite distressing.
It doesn't appears that they have the capacity to fix match-making, even for previous titles, let alone a new one, as PayDay 2 has had similar match-making issues before, even after all of these years, it still manages to be less than ideal.
While they have stated that they intend to make this game a more heist-focused experience, many of their trailers portray it as a fast-paced hoard mode. I'd say it's more concentrated, but it still has characteristics of a hoard shooter.
Steam Curator - Pawkt
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