Dark Exile Newcomers' Guide: Should I join the Clan?

On the same server, players can unite with each other to take part in new events, additionally pump their heroes and receive more rewards. Since there are not many players on the server, you can easily join any clan you like.
Clan search
Since new servers are created quickly, most clans are small. To get more benefit from joining a clan, you need to look for a large clan with active players. To do this, pay attention to the indicator of strength, which is summed up from the indicators of all members of the clan. If you decide to create your own clan, then you need to do this at the beginning of the opening of a new server so that more active players join the clan. In this case, you and your allies can get the maximum benefit.
After joining a clan, you can check the development of the union through the Management Hall contribution. Here you can find information about the name of the clan, its level, the master of the clan, the number and activity of the clan members. In the information tab, you can track the time of the last entry of players to assess the activity of clan members. If the activity of the players who joined the clan is at a low level, it is best to start looking for a more active alliance for further transition.
With the help of donations, clan members can develop general skills and thereby increase the characteristics of their heroes. If you have decided on a clan and plan to play under it, then you can safely spend gold coins to upgrade your skills and get bonuses to the performance of heroes.
Players who destroy your clan members are automatically put on the wanted list. A clan member who kills such a player will be able to receive a good reward. To obtain the necessary information about the player, click on the wanted card and track his location.
At the game location of the clan, you can find a tab with tasks, for the completion of which you can receive gifts in the form of resources, equipment and items for pumping. Quests are related to the main game activities, so they can be completed in the course of everyday play. Examples of tasks: Cover a certain amount of gold coins. Pump your wings. Upgrade the sphere. Take part in various game modes. Replace the hero’s equipment. Destroy a certain number of bosses. Empty your bag and disassemble your gear. Sometimes monsters appear in the location of the clans, with which you can fight and get an additional reward. To do this, simply click on the monster to join the battle.
Some of the in-game events are available only to clan members. Therefore, for a faster development of heroes and a profile, it is necessary to join a clan and participate in all events in order to earn more rewards.
Hegemony of the king
The event runs from Monday 10:00 to Sunday 22:00. You have 6 attempts to fight the monsters. All attempts are restored within 12 hours, 1 attempt - in 2 hours. If necessary, you can purchase additional attempts with diamonds.
Player ratings are calculated every Sunday at 22:30. Depending on your place in the rating at the end of the event, you will receive a reward that will be sent to your in-game mail. The clan that manages to collect the Soul Stone wins. If no one succeeds, then the victory will be awarded to the clan with the most points. The award is given to the winning clan and 5 more clans with the highest ranking. All rewards earned by the clan are distributed among the players by the Clan Master.
Duel Master
During the event, a competition takes place between players of different clans. Each clan nominates its own candidate for victory, who will take part in a duel. The player will have to fight in 5 rounds, the last surviving player becomes the winner. Depending on the number of points earned, which will correspond to the survival time, the clan will receive a reward.
Soulstone Combat
Any player can participate in the event after 4 days of opening a new server or merging servers from 20:00 to 20:20. After that, the event will take place every Friday at the specified time.
Event locations:
Fortress gate. Fortress. Soulstone Corridor. Soulstone Hall.
Obtaining points
Players will have to earn points by destroying monsters and battles with players from other clans. If the player is in a Soulstone Corridor or Hall, points are automatically earned after a certain amount of time.
Soul stone
The Soulstone tree is located in the Hall, here players have to pick up the Soulstone, the collection is available 3 minutes after the start of the event. To obtain the Soul Stone, the player will need 5 minutes, during this time the player cannot repulse the attacker and if all the heroes are killed, the collection of stones will be interrupted.
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