Assassin's Creed Mirage - I can’t believe this AAA console game is also coming to mobile!

Assassin's Creed Mirage promises to be a refreshing return to the franchise's roots. Set against the historical backdrop of Baghdad, the game takes us back to the early years of the series, emphasizing parkour, stealth, and the art of assassination—a style reminiscent of the beloved Altair and Ezio eras. It's a deliberate shift away from the sprawling open-world RPGs and health sponges of enemies that have become the norm in recent Assassin's Creed titles.
Well, the game is scheduled to release October 5 (a week earlier than originally announced) on modern game platforms: Xbox Series,  PlayStation 5, and PC, but in a surprising move, Ubisoft and Apple has announced that Assassin's Creed Mirage will also make its way to mobile gaming on the iPhone 15 Pro sometime in late 2023 or early 2024. That's right, Assassin's Creed Mirage, a modern AAA title, on the same timeframe as consoles, releasing on a mobile phone!
And this is not a cloud version, nor a mobile port with toned-down graphics and missing features. This is a full native version running entirely on a mobile device, just like the Nintendo Switch or the Steam Deck. While there haven't been any details released regarding the actual performance, but knowing Apple, they are definitely not settling for a subpar performance in their AAA launch titles. This is different from the also upcoming Assassin's Creed game: Codename Jade, which is a full-pledged mobile game specifically designed for Android and iOS.
This is probably the biggest news for mobile gaming recently and what could be the much needed push to make many AAA games available on not just the iPhone 15 Pro, but to other phones as well such as the Android Platform, particularly gaming phones. Of course, this comes at a literal cost, instead adopting the usual free-to-play or freemium model, these games will most likely cost AAA prices too, at around $40 to $70 a piece.
Are mobile gamers ready for triple A gaming this year and beyond? If there's one thing many mobile gamers are most requesting for, it's these kind of games. Can AAA gaming survive the harsh marketplace of zero dollar and in-app purchase dominated games? We'll find out soon enough in the coming months ahead.
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When is this game coming to mobile thanks in advance 🙏🏻👍
TapTap Creator
Early 2024, iPhone 15 pro and all Ipad M1/M2 models.
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James Prayter
James Prayter
it's not coming to mobile. fake news!
TapTap Creator
yes it is. read the article for more details. or google it
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