A Heist Worth Undertaking? | Full Review - PAYDAY 3

PAYDAY 3 is an upcoming first-person shooter game developed by Starbreeze Studios and published by Deep Silver. It is the third installment in the popular coop game series PAYDAY. The game is set to be released on September 21, 2023, with a 3-day Early Access period for those who purchase the Silver and Gold editions. I had the opportunity to try out the game three days early and see how it holds up.
🎨Visuals and Performance
Graphically, it’s not hard to see that PAYDAY 3 looks like a straightforward Unreal Engine FPS game, tweaked to resemble the aesthetics of both PAYDAY 1 and 2. Nothing groundbreaking, nonetheless the graphics themselves are impressive on a technical level, particularly with lighting and explosions.
As for the performance, there was noticeable stuttering during the initial startup, which is likely due to the shader cache building up, but it resolved itself after some time. What truly shines here is the stability during heists and actual gameplay. I experienced next to no bugs in this department.
PAYDAY 3 takes you back into the shoes of the notorious PAYDAY Gang. After several years of silence following their reign of terror over Washington D.C., they are forced out of retirement to face a new threat. PAYDAY has never been primarily known for its story-driven narrative, so it's a nice added touch to still include some story elements. Ultimately, the story is the least of our concerns in this co-op PvP shooter, and it's one that many players choose to ignore anyway, as PAYDAY has always been about its adrenaline-pumping heists and intense gunfights.
Speaking of heists and gunfights. The core gameplay of PAYDAY 3 remains faithful to the series formula that fans know and love. You choose a level, plan your heist, and execute it with your crew, all while dealing with waves of law enforcement and security forces. It's the kind of cooperative experience that can lead to intense moments of strategy and action, and PAYDAY 3 is nothing short of that experience.
My experience during the early access phase had one temporary drawback. Finding other players to team up with proved to be a bit challenging. There is no lobby browser to manually find games, and I am left at the mercy of the queuing system. As a result, I ended up mostly playing solo with AI companions. Surprisingly, this turned out better than expected, despite a few noticeable quirks typically associated with AI companions, especially when it came to more complex tasks like carrying equipment or money bags. I had to go back and forth solo painstakingly just to complete the objectives on my own. However, they are more than competent when it comes to handling enemies, which is a positive aspect.
Shooting has always been a huge aspect of PAYDAY, and in PAYDAY 3, it's better than ever. The controls feel responsive, and the weapons pack a satisfying punch. The feeling feels close to how Call of Duty’s gunplay feels.
💵 Heists
The heart and soul of Payday have always been the heists, and PAYDAY 3 doesn't disappoint in its roster of 8 Heists at launch, with most heists as potentially being some of the best in the series. The level design is top-notch, offering both strategic options and a sense of freedom in how you approach your objectives. This level of creativity in mission design keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting.
There is more emphasis on stealth pathways. The stealth mechanics bear a striking resemblance to Hitman's approach. Players navigate through different zones, including public, private, and secure areas. Entering private zones alerts guards who attempt to escort you back to public areas rather than immediately triggering alarms. While this might seem like a refreshing change, it's worth noting that stealth can still feel somewhat pointless. The gap in difficulty between going loud and going stealth is huge, making it more efficient to just play on by going loud. This decision might deter players from embracing the stealth approach, as it doesn't offer significant advantages in terms of rewards.
The progression system in Payday 3 is a bit peculiar. Everything, from weapons to equipment, is locked behind levels, meaning that even if you get rich already via Heists, you can't purchase anything anyway until you've reached the required level for that item. This might come across as frustrating for most players, who’d want to experiment with different loadouts or weapons as early as finishing the first Heist. There’s literally nothing to unlock or progress with unless you grind Heists. The game experience is artificially prolonged as a result, and earning cash becomes less rewarding.
Character progression wise, PAYDAY 3 introduces a notable shift in the skill system compared to its predecessor. Instead of the Skill Tree, the game adopts “Skill Lines”. This streamlined approach simplifies skill progression, featuring a base node, upgrade nodes, and a Mastery Node. Players can unlock the base skill and choose their desired upgrades without a predetermined linear path.
Additionally, the game introduces Crime Net Stacks or C-Stacks as a secondary currency, which is probably based on Cryptocurrency. While players still use cash for standard purchases, converting it to C-Stacks enables the acquisition of special weapons, cosmetics, and high-end equipment. It's important to note that the more cash is traded for C-Stacks, the more expensive the process becomes. Fortunately, this cost resets on a weekly basis. Note that C-Stacks can only be earned by actively playing the game and is not a premium currency. This system appears designed to encourage regular gameplay and maintain an active player base post-launch, but again may artificially prolong the gameplay experience.
Just like those that came before it, PAYDAY 3 delivers on its promise of providing a fun and exciting co-op shooter, allowing players to immerse themselves in high-stakes heists cooperatively. The core gameplay, heist design, and gunplay are undeniably enjoyable. However, it's impossible to ignore the missed opportunities and peculiar progression elements that holds PAYDAY 3 from revolutionizing the genre and becoming a true evolution of the series.
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I am going to deseup as a pay day caetr
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