From A Mobile Series to Premium! - WitchSpring R

It’s not often a mobile game can inspire and spawn a full-fledged console release. Given how inundated the mobile market is these days with free-to-play games that operate on an overindulgence of microtransactions, most of these mobile games live and die by their platform.
The Witch Spring series, a franchise of games developed by Korean developer Kiwi Walks, is a true outlier in today’s market. Rather than opting for free-to-play, Kiwi Walks charges modestly for their games up front and that’s it. No strings attached. A full complete experience at a small cost with no in-a pp purchases afterwards being necessary.
Witch Spring R is a remake of the very first Witch Spring game released back in 2015 and it is making its way to major platforms. Unlike Witch Spring 3 Re:Fine, which was a remaster port of Witch Spring 3 that changed very little of the base game, Witch Spring R is fully built up from the ground, completely overhauling the mobile experience to be more suitable on a more powerful machine.
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