Code:Geass Games now at your fingertips.

The game plays like Arknights where it is a tower defense and you place certain characters depending the which terrain they can be placed. The game tells its story like a visual novel along with a small flashy anination. Here are the features found in-game:
-Game is well optimized and plays perfectly well with no FPS drop.
-The game features a Gacha mechanics which usually gives you character and mech.
-The current highest rarity of the character that you can get is 4 stars at the moment and they might make it 5 star in future updates.
-Some mechs can switch their weapons between range and melee.
-You can enhance both characters and mechs. You can also create some mechs but there are certain conditions in order for you to be able to create the mech you want.
-Increasing your character level is grindy in-game as there are only two ways to level them up, either you use them in battle or use XP tickets which you can get from rewards, missions and daily missions. P.S. you can only do each daily missions 5 times.
-Team slots can be unlocked depending on your account level and it is also a bit grindy since each mission only rewards a small amount of XP.
So if you are a fan of Arknight and Code Geass, then this game is for you.
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XxDōjigiri YasutsunaxX
XxDōjigiri YasutsunaxX
So this game is mostly random draw or do you start with a good pair
You get 2 free 4 star characters at the start of the game, some characters can be obtained via mission rewards and events. The reason for this is because the game encourages you to keep on drawing characters in order to get stronger characters. You will also need duplicates to limit break them.
XxDōjigiri YasutsunaxX
XxDōjigiri YasutsunaxX
o ok thank u
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