"Superhero" Version Preview

Greetings to our esteemed survivors. We are the development team behind "Fake Future" from Qminds Game Studio. It has indeed been some time since we last communicated with you all(T^T). We sincerely apologize for our absence. In our defense, our team has been diligently working on a substantial update, with the earnest hope of delivering quality content to you soon.
Furthermore, we are aware of the existing issues and limitations within the game. We have been maintaining open communication with our community, taking every piece of feedback seriously, and striving to overcome these challenges.
We are pleased to announce that "Fake Future" is about to experience its most significant update since its inception. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the "Superhero" version is set to launch on September 26th. You'll need to pop into the store for this update, so keep those notifications on!
Without further ado, here's what you can anticipate:
1. New Gameplay: "Superhero"
Superheroes serve as our Plan B to counter Walchen, a formidable fighting force created by harnessing the collective wisdom of Cyberoids.
The vast amount of information that can be stored in artificial genes generated through base coding not only confers a great deal of favorable traits for superheroes, but also records a great deal of combat experience.
2. Cultivating Your "Superhero"
A superhero's attributes are influenced by three key factors: the prowess of existing cyberoids, their genes(which can be likened to equipment), and memory chips. All these enhancements are closely tied to Gitcoins. We advise accumulating Gitcoins in anticipation of this update. Additionally, there's a chance to obtain a gene research voucher during cyberoid research.
3. "Superhero" Combat Mechanics
Upon nurturing your superhero, players will experience both PVP and PVE modes. In PVP, rewards are primarily based on a ranking system. For PVE, players can access level challenges via the superhero interface. And, spoiler alert, we’ve sprinkled in some puzzles in the later levels, which will test your grasp of the combat system.
4. A Fresh Currency - Genome Coin:
This new currency marks a departure from the traditional Gitcoin and Crystal Coin. Its introduction signifies a shift in the conventional economic system. With Genome Coin, the existing Gitcoin requirements for building upgrades and expansions will gradually change, necessitating players to adapt accordingly.
5. Plant Sunflowers in Friends' Bases
As a feature to highlight player aesthetics, we've added a new function. Upon the update, when visiting a friend's base and liking it, a sunflower will bloom, symbolizing hope amidst desolation.
6. UI & Artistic Upgrades
We've refined our UI and graphic designs. The gene research interface, for instance, has undergone multiple iterations. It now showcases a futuristic gray-blue tone, reminiscent of spaceship controls, thereby enhancing the futuristic ambiance of our game.
Since the game's launch, in addition to adding new elements, we've also encountered unforeseen technical challenges. Our technical team has promptly addressed these issues, and we deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused. We humbly request your understanding and feedback for any unexpected situations following this update. Rest assured, our development team is committed to prompt resolutions.
In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued passion and support for "Fake Future". Please stay tuned for more exciting updates. 🚀
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